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Original Medicare 2024    

Original Medicare is simple enough to understand and it’s important that you do take the time to learn what Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) are and are not.  There are many common misconceptions.  Part A covers 80% of most Hospital-related services and generally, has $0 monthly premium.  Part B covers 80% of most physician-related services, and has a monthly premium that is income dependent.  (Refer to your 2023 Medicare & You Handbook)  

The standard monthly Part B premium 2024 is $174.70  Both parts also have annual deductibles of $240

Part A is Free Per month but you have a deductable copay of $1632, which covers the first 60 days of inpatient Hospital care, with daily copays starting thereafter.  

Covering what Original Medicare does not cover, can be done a number of different ways.  If you would like help understanding your options on Medicare, please fill out the contact form and I’ll reach out to introduce myself and setup a phone appointment to discuss your situation.

My Medicare Gal Tina
Learn More @ Medicare.gov    
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